Getting customers to your website is one step in the process to…

An effectively executed marketing and advertising can serve the needs of a business and can increase the demand for the product or service. If you want to go where all the people are, you need to be active online. The influence of the digital landscape is steadily growing. If you want to market to your audience online, here are the trends digital marketers should know in 2020.
Facebook is still currently the number 1 social media platform and still famous among senior adults. It is important for digital marketers to look at who their target market is, because Facebook may be unsuitable for some campaigns, especially as it continues to trend downwards with younger generation. Facebook is still massive and many people continue to check in on it, but be more specific with who you’re marketing to and make sure they’re still on Facebook, or you’re targeting the wrong social media platform.
Fortunately for Facebook, their greatest threat is no threat at all since they bought Instagram. The image and video-based social media platform is optimized to make it very easy for users to share photos and videos from their phone and rapidly growing as the choice for the general public especially teenagers and adults.
You Tube may be the most popular way to consume videos but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be putting videos on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media. Nowadays video is paired with accurate and valuable user metrics of digital media to provide more useful data. You can capture and convey a lot of information and your brand’s personality with video.
One of the fastest rising in digital marketing is the use of live video. Live streaming, as it is called is especially big for digital marketing when combined with influencer marketing. Whether it’s the new generation of social media influencers like famous bloggers or traditional sources such as celebrities or athletes, having a live stream with an influencer who is interacting directly with comments is a huge draw for audience. Live streaming is an incredible high profile form of digital marketing right now! The spontaneous way of promoting or advertising something can undoubtedly be a big deal when done right with a well-chosen person.
Content marketing continues to be an essential component of digital marketing. The quality is always going to matter. Having a deeper understanding of a target market is a rising trend in more effective marketing. So while general audience content was, is, and always will be important. Combined with improving techniques in measuring content effectiveness keep content marketing relevant and moving forward.
Like Siri and Google, verbal interaction with devices is continuing to rise. Talking is simply an easy and preferred way of interacting! And now our phones are finally catching up to the way people want to search, shop and discover new things easily. Conducting a voice search is very different from typing a query. When a person performs a text-based search, the screen displays one page at a time results. But when someone asks in voice, it replies verbally, it may only give a few choices at most or just one choice. This is a different approach of digital marketing that can’t be ignored because people are relying on it now more than ever.
At Sabadell Press, we’re always looking to the future. We stay on top of all the latest updates and industry trends so that your campaigns are never outdated. Check out SEO Agency Penang to future-proof your SEO and digital marketing.